During hard times, budget cuts are never a fun activity. When it comes to critical software, how can you save without sacrificing quality? The answer lies within open source software.

Switching from commercial to open source software not only adds thousands back to your IT budget, but also offers your developers more freedom, innovation, and, with the help of OpenLogic, comprehensive support.

In this webinar, Justin Reock, ex-Chief Evangelist for OSS and APIs at Perforce Software, presents the top ways your team can save money with open source. Discover the latest, fresh insights and come away with the knowledge necessary to: Move away from expensive commercial vendors, such as RedHat or Oracle.

  • Unravel embedded messaging tools with flexible, no-cost open source options.
  • Deploy modern and scalable solutions for your monitoring and logging.
  • Understand the testing and quality capabilities of Jenkins vs. Cloudbees.
  • Catch up with open source communities who are leading the charge on quality big data and analytics solutions.
  • Run everything on a completely free operating system that is functionally equivalent in every respect to RHEL.
  • Get rid of the headache of managing dozens of enterprise open source support vendors.

Get Dependable Support for Your Open Source

Want to see how OpenLogic can support your open source transformation? Speak with an open source expert today to see how we can help.