Get Extended Bootstrap Support For EOL Versions

Bootstrap 3 and 4 have reached end-of-life (EOL), which means the open source community no longer supports them. Millions of websites and applications created with EOL Bootstrap are now at risk for breaking changes from web browser updates and jQuery releases as well as CVEs — which can lead to costly downtime, security breaches, and compliance headaches.

If you can’t upgrade to Bootstrap 5 yet, OpenLogic offers long-term Bootstrap support for Bootstrap 3 and 4 through the end of 2030.

Want to learn more or get pricing details? Fill out the form to speak with an expert today!

OpenLogic's Bootstrap Support Covers You Through December 2030

Need More Time on Bootstrap 3 or 4? You Got It.

Patched and Tested Versions of Bootstrap 3.4.x and 4.6.x

Patches for All Medium and High Severity CVEs (CVSS score of 4 and above)

Patches for Breaking Changes From Web Browser Updates and jQuery Releases

No Limits on Support Tickets or Developers

The Benefits of Bootstrap LTS From OpenLogic

Meet Compliance Requirements

Internal and external compliance policies often require support for EOL software. We can provide documentation to help you demonstrate compliance.

Reduce Risk and Downtime

We provide patches for CVEs and workarounds when web browser updates or jQuery releases impact Bootstrap functionality.

Extend Your Runway

Bootstrap 5 is a challenging upgrade and it does not support Internet Explorer versions 11 or lower. Protect your websites and apps while you plan your next steps.

Get Bootstrap Support Today

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400+ Supported Open Source Technologies

We support more OSS than anybody, period.

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