Get Support for Your EOL AngularJS 

If you need a longer runway for your AngularJS migration, OpenLogic is here to help.

OpenLogic provides long term support for AngularJS, including security patches for high severity CVEs and fixes for web browser updates that cause breaking changes.

Want to learn more? Fill out the form to speak with an expert today.

Why Choose OpenLogic for AngularJS Long Term Support?

Dependable LTS

Extend your migration timetable with security patches to keep your application up and running.

CVE Patches & Workarounds

Get patches and workarounds for CVEs to keep your application secure.

Web Browser Fixes

We provide patches if new versions of web browsers introduce breaking changes in AngularJS.

AngularJS LTS You Can Count On

When you’re working with end of life AngularJS, anything that can go wrong will go wrong. A browser update could break your customer facing application, or a newly discovered vulnerability might threaten to expose business-critical data.

With AngularJS long-term support from OpenLogic, you'll have peace of mind knowing that patches will be available for those critical, potentially devastating situations. 

Get Long-Term Support for Your AngularJS

Ready to learn more about AngularJS LTS from OpenLogic? Our experts are standing by.

450+ Supported OSS Packages

We support more OSS than anybody, period.

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