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April 30, 2024

Introducing Bootstrap LTS From OpenLogic


The widely used open source Bootstrap framework has been instrumental in web development and the creation of thousands of websites. Bootstrap makes it a lot easier to kickstart the development of responsive and mobile-first websites. 

Like all software, there are major versions of Bootstrap that have reached end-of-life (EOL). In this blog, we break down the state of Bootstrap releases and share details about our new Bootstrap LTS solution to help organizations that are using EOL versions of Bootstrap. 

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What Is Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is a front-end software development framework with available code templates for a variety of website features, including but not limited to buttons, forms, and navigation bars. These templates are crafted using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and are optimized for viewing across different devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, and laptops. 

With its pre-designed components, Bootstrap allows developers to rapidly create contemporary and responsive websites or web applications. Because it’s easy to use, the Bootstrap framework has facilitated the creation of thousands, if not millions, of websites. 

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Bootstrap Releases and EOL Versions

Bootstrap has its origins as a hackathon project at Twitter and was originally released on August 19, 2011 as an open source project under the MIT license. The original version, 1.0.0, included only CSS and HTML, but by v3.1, JavaScript was added.  

With many minor versions in between, the Bootstrap framework project has had a relatively small number of major releases — only five. Bootstrap 3 was released more than a decade ago, in August 2013, and Bootstrap 4 followed in January 2018. Bootstrap 5 became available in May 2021, but many websites created on Bootstrap 3 are 4 are still in operation, and are used for business-critical operations. 

Like all software, major versions of open source projects eventually reach EOL, which means no more updates or fixes are released as minor versions or patches. Bootstrap 3 reached EOL on July 24, 2019, after a lifecycle of almost 6 years, while Bootstrap 4 reached EOL on January 1, 2023 after a 5-year lifecycle. Consequently, versions 3 and 4 are no longer receiving new features, updates, or security fixes.  

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EOL Software and Open Source Compliance 

In today’s business landscape where software plays an indispensable operational role, IT security is paramount. Internal and external compliance mandates exist to delineate processes and policies to safeguard an organization’s software and data infrastructure and ensure business continuity. 

For open source software such as Bootstrap, numerous compliance obligations must be met. These include being on the latest releases and not using EOL software in production environments.  

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Upgrading to Bootstrap 5

It is recommended to maintain all software on the most current versions to benefit from the latest bug fixes, security patches, and new features. However, in the case of moving to Bootstrap 5, there are major changes that must be considered and analyzed in the planning phase before upgrading. 

In terms of dependencies, v5 dropped jQuery, upgraded from Propper v1.x to Propper v2.x, and the LibSass library was replaced with Dart Sass. For documentation Jekyll was replaced with Hugo. In the case of web browsers, Bootstrap 5 dropped support for Internet Explorer 10 and 11 as well as older versions of Microsoft Edge (<16), Firefox (<60), Safari (<12), iOS Safari (<12), and Chrome (<60).  

All of the above means that upgrading to Bootstrap 5 could be challenging, with significant impact on the functionality of web applications built with Bootstrap. Organizations might not have the time, resources, or skills to upgrade to the latest Bootstrap 5 release. Due to the still-prevalent use of EOL versions of Bootstrap and the fact that teams may find it difficult to upgrade to Bootstrap 5, OpenLogic is pleased to announce a brand new offering: Bootstrap LTS. 

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What's Included in Bootstrap LTS From OpenLogic

Web browser updates and jQuery releases often affect functionality on websites created with Bootstrap 3 and 4, and security vulnerabilities, which can be disclosed at any time, always require an immediate fix. OpenLogic’s Bootstrap LTS guarantees updates for Bootstrap 3 and 4 until December 31, 2030 and addresses the following: 

  • Breaking or compatibility changes on Bootstrap due to changes in new versions of the most popular web browsers, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Mobile Safari, and Edge 
  • Breaking or compatibility changes on Bootstrap due to changes in new versions of jQuery 
  • Newly disclosed medium and high-severity CVEs (CVSS v3 score 4 & higher)  

OpenLogic’s dedicated support team proactively monitors for CVEs and breaking changes and is ready to deliver patches on short notice. With Bootstrap LTS, customers have access to fully tested patches located in a secure private repository. The team is also available 24/7 for questions related to CVEs, patches, or the private repository.  

In addition to meeting IT and security compliance requirements, it’s important to communicate with end-users or customers and let them know that web applications on EOL versions of Bootstrap are covered by Bootstrap LTS by OpenLogic. That’s why OpenLogic issues Bootstrap Support Certificates that can be shared with customers to validate that web applications meet compliance and are protected post-EOL. 

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Final Thoughts

Regardless of the industry or type of web applications, organizations can benefit from OpenLogic’s Bootstrap LTS, as it provides them a longer runway to plan and upgrade to Bootstrap 5, rewrite web applications, or decommission Bootstrap 3- and 4-based web applications. 

Get the Benefits of Bootstrap LTS

OpenLogic has more than 20 years’ of experience supporting hundreds of open source technologies. Our dedicated team of JavaScript and Bootstrap experts monitor 24/7 for breaking changes and CVEs. We offer competitive pricing and there is no limit to the number of developers or support tickets you can submit. 

Bootstrap LTS   

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