Stay Informed

This week, read about:

Security Based Updates

Updates to the OpenLogic CentOS Repository
*) OpenLogic’s Enterprise Linux Team has recently published the following updates:

We recommend that you update your CentOS 6 systems to ensure proper timekeeping. As usual, please ensure that you test these updates before deploying to production. If you don't currently have CentOS repo access, please reach out to your Perforce/OpenLogic salesperson … you may already be entitled to access with your existing support contract!

OpenLogic AngularJS
Small miscellaneous update of angular-translate@2.19.3:

  • Removed bower-npm-resolver from dependencies
  • This resolves unwanted downloads of minimist and tough-cookie with many others

Non-Security Based Updates

Angular 18.2.2

  • (fix - 106917af878) | avoid leaking memory if component throws during creation (#57546)
  • (fix - 6d3a2af146a) | Do not bubble capture events. (#57476)


   Commit | Description

    (fix - 5d2e243c76a) | Dynamicaly call the global fetch implementation (#57531)


  • (fix - 804925b1149) | Do not unnecessarily run matcher twice on route matching (#57530)


  • (fix - 03ec620e31a) | Address Trusted Types violations in @angular/upgrade (#57454)

Jenkins 2.474

  • Allow all builds to be removed by the build discarder. JENKINS-68822
  • Allow plugins to customize maximum number of suggestions in autocomplete text fields. pull 9616

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix dropdown and tooltip brightness on HDR displays. JENKINS-73330
  • Fix the appearance of the Plugin Manager actions dropdown. JENKINS-73668
  • Restore margins around setup wizard alert messages (regression in 2.459). JENKINS-73302
  • Prevent backdrop color from affecting dialogs that appear above the backdrop. pull 9649
  • Refresh build history widget in all cases, including on background tabs or hidden tabs. JENKINS-73613

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