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This week, read about:

Key Security, Maintenance, and Features Releases

Non-security Based Updates

Apache Artemis 2.26.0
[ARTEMIS-3748] - Cannot create docker for an older version of Artemis
[ARTEMIS-3913] - MQTTReasonCodes byte loss of precision,must int type
[ARTEMIS-3964] - Windows ping IPv4/6 commands have wrong time unit
[ARTEMIS-3967] - Camel WAR pom.xml file incorrect and incomplete
Apache Camel 3.19.0
camel-http - ToD optimized context-path with spaces problem
Camel box cannot authorize
camel-health - health check for not automatically started routes should always be up
camel-jbang - camel bind may not work with --local-kamelet-dir
Apache Kafka 3.3.1
[KAFKA-14259] - BrokerRegistration#toString throws an exception, terminating metadata replay
[KAFKA-14265] - Prefix ACLs may shadow other prefix ACLs
Apache Tomcat 9.0.67, 10.0.26, 10.1.0
Update:  Update Panama OpenSSL code for the extensive Java 20 changes. (remm)
Fix:  Fix a regression in refactoring for Hashtables which caused mbeans to lose many of their attributes. (remm)
Add:  66203: Log an error message when the JSP compiler is unable to create the output directory for the generated code. (markt)
Add:  Further automation to the build process to reduce the number of manual steps that release managers must perform. (markt)
Fix:  Fix a regression in refactoring for Hashtables which caused mbeans to lose many of their attributes. (remm)
Fix:  Fix a regression in refactoring for Hashtables which caused mbeans to lose many of their attributes. (remm)
Docker Compose 2.11.2
Updates on environment file syntax & interpolation: see #9879 
Setting DOCKER_HOST via .env files is not supported in Compose v2
Prevent "invalid template" errors on valid environment variable values (#9806, #9746, #9704, #9294)
Ensure new images from docker compose build are used (#9856)
PHP 8.0.24
Fixed bug GH-9323 (Crash in ZEND_RETURN/GC/zend_call_function) (Tim Starling)
Fixed bug GH-9361 (Segmentation fault on script exit #9379).
Fixed bug GH-9407 (LSP error in eval'd code refers to wrong class for static type).
Fixed bug #81727: Don't mangle HTTP variable names that clash with ones that have a specific semantic meaning. (CVE-2022-31629)
SQLite 3.39.4
Add (long overdue) support for RIGHT and FULL OUTER JOIN.
Add new binary comparison operators IS NOT DISTINCT FROM and IS DISTINCT FROM that are equivalent to IS and IS NOT, respective, for compatibility with PostgreSQL and SQL standards.
Add a new return code (value "3") from the sqlite3_vtab_distinct() interface that indicates a query that has both DISTINCT and ORDER BY clauses.
Added the sqlite3_db_name() interface.

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