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This week, read about:

Key Security, Maintenance, and Features Releases


Non-Security Updates

Apache ActiveMQ 5.16.4
[AMQ-5388] - User Role Granted Full Privileges in jetty.xml
[AMQ-7340] - Scheduled messages performance degrade
[AMQ-8093] - Illegal reflective access by IntrospectionSupport
[AMQ-8252] - Unnecessary stack trace in case of invalid credentials

Apache TomEE 8.0.10
TOMEE-3832 JAX-RS TomEEJsonbProvider not registered in tomee-embedded-maven-plugin when MicroProfile is present
TOMEE-3777 <openjpa-3.1.2-r66d2a72 fatal user error> org.apache.openjpa.persistence.ArgumentException: The persistence provider is attempting to use properties in the persistence.xml file to resolve the data source …
TOMEE-3823 TomEE and Java 17 compatibility issue with Windows Service Tooling
TOMEE-3825 TomEE Maven Plugin does not wait for container startup, if "checkStarted" is set to true

Kubernetes 1.23.4
Fix Azurefile volumeid collision issue in csi migration (#107575, @andyzhangx) [SIG Cloud Provider and Storage]
Fix e2e test "Services should respect internalTrafficPolicy=Local Pod and Node, to Pod (hostNetwork: true)" (#107902, @xueqzhan) [SIG Network and Testing]
Fixes a regression in 1.23 where update requests to previously persisted Service objects that have not been modified since 1.19 can be rejected with an incorrect spec.clusterIPs: Required value error (#107875, @liggitt) [SIG Network and Testing]
Fixes static pod add and removes restarts in certain cases. (#107761, @rphillips) [SIG Node]

SQLite 3.38.0
Added the -> and ->> operators for easier processing of JSON. The new operators are compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL.
The JSON functions are now built-ins. It is no longer necessary to use the -DSQLITE_ENABLE_JSON1 compile-time option to enable JSON support. JSON is on by default. Disable the JSON interface using the new -DSQLITE_OMIT_JSON compile-time option.
Enhancements to date and time functions:
Added the unixepoch() function.
Added the auto modifier and the julianday modifier.

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