This week, read about:
- The 10 Coolest Open-Source Software Tools Of 2022
- What to Expect From AI in 2023
- FrodoPIR: New Privacy-Focused Database Querying System
Non-security Based Updates
Apache Camel 3.20.0
camel-ldap - InvalidSearchFilterException: invalid attribute description
camel-core-model: RouteDefinitionHelper should resolve the intercepted from URI which is configured with property placeholder
camel-yaml-dsl - Using method call in filter EIP not working
Camel-telegram: bug while unregistreing webhook with autoregister=true
Docker Compose 2.14.2
volume: fix WCOW volume mounts by @milas in #10090
only list running containers when --all=false by @ndeloof in #10086
fix regression 😓 running pull --ignore-pull-failures by @ndeloof in #10098
set CPU quota by @ndeloof in #10100
Drools 8.32.0.Final
[DROOLS-7105] - DMN upgrade to Antlr 4.10 (specifically 4.10.1)
[DROOLS-7230] - Add event listners to RuleUnitInstance
[DROOLS-7232] - Take AgendaFilter in
[DROOLS-7251] - improve Drools doc dlist formatting
Eclipse 2022-12
The full in depth release notes for this version of Eclipse are available at
Jenkins 2.384
Align Build Executor Status collapsed content with build queue design pattern. (issue 70121)
Remove support for log rotation via SIGALRM. (pull 7256)
Restore link to last breadcrumb. (issue 70169)
Narayana 5.13.1
[JBTM-2221] - Remove old TXFramework API
[JBTM-3640] - Remove and replace Jacorb in performance repo (product)
[JBTM-3668] - Update resteasy dependencies in quickstarts (updated)
[JBTM-3674] - Mark NarayanaLRAClient as deprecated
[JBTM-3719] - Deprecate OSGi module